Building the Bouchie Dory Part 28 – Sheer blocking
Fitting blocking is one of those jobs that takes a moment to get into the swing of things but once you do, it can be kind of addictive. There is something very very satisfying about a big solid sheerline structure. As you’ll see, I might have gone a little overboard, but it felt so good to do so.
In small craft, the sheer-line assembly is arguably the primary structure of the boat. This is especially so in skin-on-frame kayaks and canoes. These small craft spen the bulk of their storage time resting upside down on this sheer structure so it stand to reason that the boat should be built with that in mind. To that end, I often build drainage holes into breast-hooks and quarter-knees and avoid creating voids that can trap debris while the boat is inverted.
Did I need to add all this mass to the Bouchie Dory sheer structure. No. I really only needed it in the area that was to receive thole pins. That said, I got on a roll and just couldn’t stop. I regret that decision just a little bit just because it added to much extra weight to the sheer. I also should have switched to red cedar as soon as I cleared the thole pin areas. Lesson learned, but that sheer can now take a hell of a walloping.