In this episode we assemble the frames for our dory.
Sawn frames take some extra effort at the front end. There is planning their location, calculating bevels, deciding on joinery and fairing them after setting up on the strongback. Sounds like a lot of work compared to temporary moulds, and it is. The payback is that once planked, your boat is structurally complete for the most part, not a fragile shell.
Here’s where my mylar overlays start to pay off. I use them to create a fast temporary jig to do my glue-up. Remember to give yourself a sacrificial layer of mylar to keep glue off your drawing or keep all your pen lines to the backside of your overlay or you’ll wipe your drawing clean when mopping up the epoxy squeeze out with alcohol.
Another important takeaway is to not try and fill all your screw holes and other voids during the initial glue-up. That doesn’t mean your faying surfaces shouldn’t be thoroughly coated and squeezed together. I’m taking about all the little thing you notice and the urge to squeeze every bit of economy out of the epoxy. We all do it from time to time but on a larger job like this it is a false economy. As your epoxy begins to catalyze, it often becomes too thick to do the job well. the results will probably be porous and inconsistent. You’re better to do all the filling in a separate operation.
This is a longer video because we cover a fair bit of detail and there are several steps we take toward completion.
Sawn frames take some extra effort at the front end. There is planning their location, calculating bevels, deciding on joinery and fairing them after setting up on the strongback. Sounds like a lot of work compared to temporary moulds, and it is. The payback is that once planked, your boat is structurally complete for the most part, not a fragile shell.
Here’s where my mylar overlays start to pay off. I use them to create a fast temporary jig to do my glue-up. Remember to give yourself a sacrificial layer of mylar to keep glue off your drawing or keep all your pen lines to the backside of your overlay or you’ll wipe your drawing clean when mopping up the epoxy squeeze out with alcohol.
Another important takeaway is to not try and fill all your screw holes and other voids during the initial glue-up. That doesn’t mean your faying surfaces shouldn’t be thoroughly coated and squeezed together. I’m taking about all the little thing you notice and the urge to squeeze every bit of economy out of the epoxy. We all do it from time to time but on a larger job like this it is a false economy. As your epoxy begins to catalyze, it often becomes too thick to do the job well. the results will probably be porous and inconsistent. You’re better to do all the filling in a separate operation.
This is a longer video because we cover a fair bit of detail and there are several steps we take toward completion.